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Paper and Cardboard Recycling



Paper and Cardboard Recycling

Recycling paper and cardboard has a very important impact on the environment. The recycling of these materials allows the production of new paper and other materials without recourse to traditional means.

Nowadays, it is very easy to find a diversified offer of products produced with recycled paper, with quality guarantees and at prices that match those of conventional products.
Choosing recycled paper allows for less consumption of resources, resulting in less logging, in addition to providing a solution for a waste, thus preventing it from going to incineration or a landfill.


How is this material recycled?

After being duly separated and placed in the proper containers, the paper will start a new phase so that it can be used again.

When it arrives at our sorting center, a division of the type of material is made, so that it is later pressed. This way, recycling can begin.

The fibers resulting from the recovery of old paper are used to make new paper, together with virgin fibers (from the paper pulp).

This paper is different from the one that is only made of virgin fibers, however it is extensively used.

With the exception of some industries, such as the photographic one, which has special levels of quality requirements for paper, the vast majority of paper, which we use on a daily basis, has a high percentage of recovered fibers.