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Wood Recycling



Wood Recycling

Wood is a 100% recyclable product, in a natural way. Wooden objects can be crushed, creating wood agglomerates, which can be used for new objects. Old furniture and pallets are good examples of materials that can be recycled

Wood recycling presents numerous interesting solutions in the scope of sustainability and allows a reduction in logging and in the disposal of wood in the environment.
When collected, the wood goes through a process of separation, grinding and removal of impurities present in the materials (metallic tapes, screws, ...). Part of this wood will be destined for crushing into smaller parts, until they become wood chips, the use of these as sawdust has several purposes.

Furniture and other materials, which have already undergone some transformation process, and are not intended for sawdust, can also be reused, for example pallets that become bed bases, boxes that become shelves, ...

The process of separation, grinding, cleaning and selection of wooden pieces is quite laborious and time consuming, however, its benefits are much greater than its disadvantages, as they allow the minimization of the use of natural resources, energy and raw material savings and incentives for sustainable concepts.